Category: Utile

Grupul Maxagro va inaugura o nouă stație de asfalt

Grupul Maxagro va inaugura o nouă stație de asfalt

Grupul Maxagro va inaugura vineri, 12 aprilie, o nouă stație de asfalt, la Sânandrei, județul Timiș. Aceasta e cea de-a treia stație a companiei, celelalte ... CItește mai mult

Top 5+ Interesting Camera Gadgets for Photographers

Top 5+ Interesting Camera Gadgets for Photographers

When you're amped up for photography, whether you're conveying photographs with an amazing duty SLR or with your telephone, there are a few upgrades here ... CItește mai mult

Turn Your Drone to Whole New Level with Extra Gadgets

Turn Your Drone to Whole New Level with Extra Gadgets

Buyer wanders, or unmanned flying vehicles, are on the climb — a December 2019 New York Times article evaluated that around 2 million would be sold ... CItește mai mult